Friday, May 16, 2008

Dewa, Stella, Karla and Thereza

Dewa Bertschi, Stella Kiesslinger, Karla Novozimsky and Thereza Pommerenke are all undertaking their vorausbildnung at the Tanz Fabrik in Berlin. They finished high school last year. Dewa is Swiss and Stella, Karla and Thereza come form Stuttgart. Stella is travelling to Honduras after the course and Thereza would like to go to the North of Sweden where her father has a farm that hosts cultural projects. They all had a Steiner education and studied 13 years of Eurythmics. 3 of the 4 girls work at the same call centre near Warschauerstrasse. They are not absolutely determined to have a professional dance career, but they like dance, they have time now to give it a go and they want to move. They might continue one day with Tanztherapie.

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